Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Ok, so I have been getting a few complaints that I have to updated my blog for a long time so here it goes. The rest of my summer has just flown by. I cannot figure out where it all went. So I will just tell you all the things that I have been doing sense July.

July started off with a bang when I woke up one morning with my tooth feeling like I have rammed an ice pick through it and into my ear. So I set off to the dentist only to find out that my month of July was going to be filled with pain and it was going to be expensive. Starting off on the 30th of June I had to go on antibiotics to clear up my huge infection I had in my tooth so that I could get one of those awesome root canals. After being on those for a week I got to go in on the 6th and have my root canal done. The next couple of days we horrible. My jaw hurt from being propped open for an hour and a half because one they got in there it was still pretty infected so they had to but cleanser down there and made me sit for twenty minutes. Promptly after my root canal I headed to Lake Powell with Susan and her extended family. Can you say Fun! No actually it really was not that bad. The best was getting to drive home with Don because he decided that he had had enough of Susan's family and wanted to come home with me the night before everyone else left. Oh what fun that was. It was probably the longest drive home from lake Powell ever recorded. After getting home from the longest drive ever I had about 6 hours of sleep and then I was up the next morning to go to a babysitters bash where I met Bryna. She has two little boys and wanted me to start babysitting two days a week. So two days before my birthday I started my nanny job in Park City. This is Leo. He is the youngest of the two boys and a complete cutie...
Next was my Birthday. Which I did nothing except at around 4 I went to my friend Patti's house and had cake and then ended up going to a movie with her and her son. The next day Susan felt a little bad because she had forgotten that it was my birthday so she decided that she was going to pretend that it was still my birthday so we had our traditional cake out on the lawn. It is way more fun for the kids then it is for me as you can tell from the pictures of Luke and his little mini look-a-like cousin Zach...
The next Monday was followed by possibly the worst week of my life. I had my wisdom taken from me and the dentist had a hard time getting my left tooth out and he dug and dug at it until it finally came out in five different pieces. This is how I looked three days later. I had to eat apple sauce and chicken noodle soup for four days!!!

Not that this was the end of all my fun. Later that week I developed a dry socket and if you have ever had one I am terribly sorry because it hurts like none other. But because this wonderful thing developed on a Friday night I had to wait until Monday to get it fixed. Not to mention that I had to work a catering job on Saturday. When I got home that night I don't think that I have ever been in so much pain in my life! But once Monday came around I was a happier person. All the dentist had to do was but a few medicated gauze rolls in the hole and it was as good as new. I ended up working all day on Monday and Tuesday so I had no contact with the outside world.

Then to finish up the month I went to the snake river with my family. And wow was the the best time ever. Not. We went up on Wednesday and rafted down the river on kayaks. Then at about one thirty in the morning on Thursday my mom, sister, and my sister's boyfriend showed up at camp. The next two days were filled with arguing, river rafting, and my brothers complaining that they were bored. Tyson and Shawn left Friday night so it was pretty quiet that night but we woke up to the sound of rain puring down on us and it didn't let up all morning. We had to be out of our camp ground by noon so we had to take everything down in the rain. I was soak through to the bone and all muddy. This trip just gets me looking forward to the ten day trip up the coast that my mom insists we need to take as a a family before my brother leave to go on his sail trip around the world. So now as you can see from this very long post that I have been extremely busy in July and so I get to be excused from not updating my blog.

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