Friday, March 6, 2009

My Hair Cut

Ok. So I have been wanting to get my hair cut for like a months because it has become uncontrolable and I end up putting it up in a pony tail day after day and I swear I have become known as the frump girl at school. SO I finally called my trusty hair cutter lady and told her that I really needed my hair cut and I was going to be coming up for a long weekend. Luckly she was able to fit me in today because she is going to have sugery next week but that his a whole different story anyway. So I have been racking my brain and searching the internet for the last two days to find my dream haircut and of course everyone had an opinion of how I should cut it but my only problem was was that they were all giving me different opinions. So last nigh my day finnally go on the internet for me and found a hair cut that I actually really liked but as I was sleeping last night I keep having this dream about what cut I should get because I could not pick between the two that I had found. So I left this morning to get my hair cut will absoulutly no idea how I was going to get it cut. I sat down to wait and was flipping through some magazines and found the perfect cut. Know I think that the cut looks way better on the model (Like it always does) but I am not horrified with how it looks on me I just cannot make up my mind of whether I like it or not but I guess that is something that I cannot change so here it is.
My dad decided to take this picture while I was talking on the phone not wanting to wait until after I was done.

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