Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The great cookie cutter search

So... What a crazy afternoon it has been. I am making sugar cookies in the preschool tomorrow and so I decided that I should go out and get some heart shaped cookie cutters. First, I decided that I would go to WalMart because they always have what I need. But not his time I walked around that store for a half hour looking for cookie cutter and found none. What I did find was about a million Valentines memorabilia just about everything they you could need for Valentines besides cookie cutters. So then I left and decided that I would just drive down to Macy's and get some. I walked in the store planning on just running in and out. But of course I had to go searching for cookie cutters. Know frustrated and wanting to go home I asked this nice lady who took me over to this huge bin of cookie cutters and said if they had them they would be in there. So... I stated to dig and the only thing in there was a cupid shaped one and a diamond shaped one. Both very useless to me because Preschoolers would have no idea who cupid was and I had no plan to get engaged. So I left to continue my search. I went not to one but two more stores and wound up with nothing. So annoyed and sick her I am back at my house cookie cutterless (Which I know is not a word but i am going to say it anyway). 


  1. So, I found your cookie cutter search quite hysterical. I'm sorry you couldn't find some though. We have some at my house- although that doesn't help too much, seems as you are in Provo. :(

  2. Don't you know to call me for things like this? I'm sure I only have 15 or so heart-shaped cookie cutters, although I think you should have bought the diamond shaped one. Just to plan ahead, ya know?
