Friday, February 20, 2009

My major decision of the week.

So I have been told that I am really neglecting my blog. Apparently I don't have anything else to do but sit around and win on the internet. So here is my great dilemma that i was having today. I wanted to go to Logan but I had not planned for it at all. So last night as I was trying to figure out if I was going to make the drive I was thinking about all the things I would have to take. this is when I realized that I did not have any church clothes so I went to my closet and started searching. i found a really cute skirt that I bough about two years ago hanging in the back of my closet. So as I zipped it up I had to but it all the way up past my belly button just to be able to zip it up. Then I proceeded to try and tug in down to my waist. This only produced a huge roll of chubbiness that hung over the top of my skirt. I decided that I was going to try and get around this by putting on three camis and then my shirt but it failed and I could still see the roll of chubbiness. So after an hour of trying on old skirts that might possibly work to go to church in I came up with nothing. So now as I am sitting here on my couch not on my way to logan I am thinking if only I were not so cubby then I could be on my way to Logan with a really cute outfit for church. So you as my witness I am going to loss at least ten pounds before the end of the school year. Now I know that that is not that much weight but I don't want to set myself up to fail. 

1 comment:

  1. I found this quite hilarious. . . just in case you wanted to know. :)
